I have been told that I need to keep doing exercises twice a

I have been told that I need to keep doing exercises twice a week, maybe even more so I don't get sore. The other thing I am trying to do is get better at reaching out to others who can provide me a social component outside of work. My therapist gave me a number to call to get connected to a CBT group, but they tentatively run 3 hours 4 days a week. And I work 3 days, tired by the end of each of those days. I didn't go to church this last weekend because a friend wasn't going to be there either, so I just streamed service. I'm trying to connect with others, it's just not as easy. My therapist even mentioned that pain has been such a part of my life that I can't live without it.

That's an interesting comment about the fact that pain might be embedded so long, you can't live w/o it, I sometimes feel that way too.

1 Heart

@Littlesis7 Do you think it’s true?