I have had ADHD since i was young and it is kind of hard sometimes to pay attention. I am in college and dont pay attention long enough in class for me to really learn anything. The harder i try the more i miss because then im so focused on paying attention that i dont listen. when i first got in college it wasnt this bad. i focused and got through but my senior year i just cant focus anymore.
1 Heart
I get this way. Very distracted by my own thoughts and details around me. It made college much longer and much more difficult than it had to be, especially since I wasn't getting any treatment for it at the time. Adderall helps a bit. Lately I've been going to group DBT therapy which has a large component on mindfulness. It takes practice, but it's been very effective in keeping me focused when I use it.
1 Heart
@TheRealJason Thank you so much
From Autism and Learning Disorders to ADHD