I have pretty bad bacne and although my friends aren’t rea

I have pretty bad bacne and although my friends aren’t really judgemental, I still see them looking at it sometimes. It doesn’t help that summer is coming up and I can’t imagine wearing a bikini right now.

Hello, Im in the USA. Some one was telling me how their face cleared up when using Dr Bronners tea tree liquid soap. Maybe check it out. Dr Bronners can be found at the health stores and I think other retail stores are starting to carry it. There are other scents too.

Have you seen a dermatologist? I have had bad acne most of my life. There are a lot of treatments out there, I’m 32 and just got my IUD taken out and my skin went crazy! I started taking oral antibiotics and using a topical antibiotic. It seems to be working. Acne is so damaging to your self esteem and people don’t realize it. Hang in there.

Being out in the sun actually helped my bacne but of course over-exposure is always an issue. I also wash daily with Oxy 10%.

@RonJon heya just so you know, using benzoyl peroxide increases photosensitivity of your skin, so always use sunblock if you’re at the beack! otherwise it’ll make your skin much more sensitive to UV