I have such a hard time with my self esteem, is so hard for

I have such a hard time with my self esteem, is so hard for me to love my self . I used to always dress well and take care of my self and love how I would dress. Now I just don't care how I dress I don't care in doing my makeup anymore, I just look at my self in the mirror and say to my self how fat and ugly I am how I look like a pig. My husband gets so mad at me for that and I just don't know how to change that.

1 Heart

I’m so sorry to hear that you are struggling. Just start out small, doing one thing for yourself that makes you feel better. Like painting your nails your favorite color, taking a bubble bath or buying your favorite body wash or lotion. Buying yourself a nice shirt or something that fits you comfortably and makes you feel a little more confident. You don’t need to change everything all at once just one thing at time when you have the energy.

1 Heart

You know what’s crazy that I have tried all those things and I still can’t seem to get my self esteem up. I go back to thinking how ugly I am and how fat I am and I start to think is a mental issue that I may have.