I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!!

1 Heart

Amazing that the cure is sometimes worse than the illness!

1 Heart

then you have to think of the risks..

1 Heart

@Wheezy I know. And this morning I think I am going to have to up my mg’ s. I didn’t sleep well, and now I am wheezing. I have been on prednisone for so long, I can’t remember when I started using it. And, yes, there are plenty of side effects. But, l gotta breath!! What are ya gonna do???

I feel for you, I hate that prednisone,as well, It makes ya irritable, and hungry and the extra poundage is oh so fun...How long have you had asthma? Do you feel the wheeze too during colder days? I am from Chicago so I do.....

@@WitsEnd Sorry it took me so long to get back with you. The doctors have told me that I don’t asthma, but that I have COPD. When I first started being on this site, they were saying it was asthma. But l have so much trouble all year round. Sunday morning I had to start a burst and taper of prednisone. 50 mgs. I didn’t want to go to the ER, because I have been dealing with this long enough that I knew what they would do anyway, and I always have prednisone at home. I go to the clinic this morning to see my doctor. Hope you are doing well. Hugs!!