I just ate pizza and feel so disgusting. I really want to pu

I just ate pizza and feel so disgusting. I really want to purge but my friend is in the room next to the bathroom and would hear. Besides, I told myself over and over again that I would keep this pizza down. I'd only had a couple things to eat before so I'm trying to use that as comfort. I wish I had better self control.

Congrats on eating the pizza! I know that it's hard, but you should be proud of yourself. These feelings of disgust are just that...feelings. Feelings are not facts nor should you feel ashamed. Distractions may be of help and reminding yourself your body needs food to survive so eating is healthy. You can do this! Always here to talk/listen :)

@SeeingBeyondDarkness Thanks. I had a need to purge this morning so I ate more pizza and then threw it up. So now I’m exhausted and guilty. Not to mention that I woke up with dried blood all over my arm from me giving in to more urges last night. I feel guilty but I also feel like I deserve all this for eating the pizza in the first place. Thanks for your support though, it really helped me when I first read it last night but unfortunately my self-destructive behaviors still got the best of me.