I don't want to answer my phone, check my e-mail or go outside. Yesterday I was fine, today I'm not.
All I can do is sit and worry. I haven't done Yoga this month - I've just been depressed.
On top of that, I've had 3 migraines this week and its only Tuesday. I don't want to go to the Dr. for them...
I just don't want to do anything but stay inside by myself.
Is this just part of complex PTSD?
PerplexedPoppy - Go see your doctor and talk to them, or talk to a therapist if you think you have PTSD. of course we are all here to listen to you as well and what you are going through. its OK to have a day to yourself and not talk to anyone, but at some point you will need to muster up the strength to get outside, even if just for a little. Go outside get fresh air. Let me know how you are doing.
Thanks Victoria1981,
I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD 3-years ago. I don't know what it stems from.
I was in therapy until May of last year but my Psychologist was a flake - she'd always forget our appointments and end up re-scheduling for the next month. Ultimately, she was a total waste of time. She seemed to talk more about her issues than listen to mine.
I found a new therapist shortly after that. I stopped seeing her after 4 sessions because it things became too painful to talk about. I just couldn't function after going to therapy.
What do you do when you are comfortable with a detached "bad" therapist but can't face your pain when confronted with a capable "good" therapist? Is there something wrong with me???
Is there a way to heal without dredging up the past? (Probably not...)
Hey T,
I am so sorry for what you are dealing with now. And I know that feeling of just wanting to remain in bed, but i urge you to if you are really really uncomfortable with the second therapist to go to another one.
Ok things may have been getting real because you were facing very real issues that were very difficult to face...and that's ok. But you need to start to feel again and stop denying yourself your wonderful life hun.
Keep talking here hun
We are all here for you
Love to you
Moongal x
I know that feeling of not wanting to go outside also. When I am really depressed, I could just be in the house for days if I didn't need to work. But, I do have to push myself to work. I have lost a couple of jobs in the past because of this. I am alone now and just can't afford to.
So, I have found that I just have to push myself! I don't have a choice!!! Plain and simple..."NOT"! It is very hard and seems impossible but I just have to do it. And you know what...after awhile at work I usually start to feel better. I have the hardest time just getting started. I'm afraid of the day or myself, I guess- Not enough self-confidence sometimes. I really don't know why but I wish someone could tell me!
Write again if you want to talk
Hey Poppysmom,
I am so sorry you feel like this, it is so hard to get through a day when you feel like that. Are you suffering from depression and if so are you being treated for it? I hope so hun because no one should live their life suffering from this illness.
Love to you hun
Moongal x
Yes, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety that I have had for most of my life, with symptoms back to as far as third grade and before that when I really think about some of the things that stand out in my mind from back then. But, when I was growing up my Mom and Dad just said that I was a nervous kid and worried about everything. The doctor gave me Valium when I was 9 yrs. old, hich now we know was just plain stupid. But until my ex-husband took me in to meet with a psychiatist that he was seeing I didn't know what was wrong with me.
I have been under treatment for about 15-17 years or so if I had to guess.But, our bodies change and sometimes the mediacation works better than others. Also , we get to a point where certain Meds just are ineffective after awhile.
I am Ok most of the time, but have my ups and downs like everyone else, I guess.
Thank you for your concern!!! (Just something that I was born with and need to learn to live with!) And still learning more at 48 years old!!! LOL
poppysmom thanks so much for sharing and talking about how we age things change too, that is good to remember. also ups and downs are normal too.
T- i agree with moongal, if you can go see your second therapist. confronting your past is a very hard thing to deal with, but hopefully with the good therapist you can get through it and end up happier and living a better life.
I am feeling the same way atm. I think that the best way is to go to places that make you happy. If your living for something, think about that. Find something meaningful. And, pray.I sympathize for you.