I make no secret of my abuse or how I make my living now…just, it makes me mad. Being a sex worker, I’ve been told I can’t be raped. Even when I was beat up, black eyes, broken jaw, cracked ribs. Cops said it is biz dispute and take the guys to court…if I can find them. I was also told that whatever happens to me, just accept it, move on and get over it. The best advise I was given was no matter what was done to me, no matter how many guys or what they said…do not take anything personally. If it wasn’t me, it would’ve been someone else, I was just the easiest target at the time. So, sadly, that was the best advise. When I get a guy who forces me into something, instead of crying, being upset, blaming myself…I just, well, just my day to have some asshole get with me. I compare it to a worker in a store or fast food place who gets one of those annoying, jerk customers…just another day in paradise.
You’re not wrong I how you feel. You never are!
What other people/cops told you is all untrue. I’m sorry that you had/feel like you have to go through that.
Can you work towards getting your GED?
Im about to turn 36 in a day. I don’t see a future where I am today. Plus it’s really hot down here. I am struggling to find work here. I think I am going back to NJ now. I don’t think that there is any chance that I will make it here
Sex work is work, and I certainly won’t try to moralize how you’d be better off working full-time at McDonald’s and Wal-Mart simultaneously in an economy what hasn’t raised the minimum wage in 15 years.
No one gets the right to brutalize you physically or emotionally, and it grieves me that we’ve created a society where 1 in 4 women get assaulted and 1 in 5 get raped; it grieves me even more that those are probably underestimates. Personally, I think your philosophy is spot on; the cruelty of others (and society as a whole) is not in any way a measure of your worth as a person, but is a very accurate measure of their character and lack of humanity.
I wish you safety and I wish you peace.
I wanted to check in and see how you were doing.
You are so spot on, it is so hard to find work that pays well, so why should we look down on someone’s choice to pursue work that pays well if that is in fact their choice and their choice only.