I’m feeling very confused as to why my doctor does not wan

I’m feeling very confused as to why my doctor does not want me to *starve* myself becuase apparently I am eating too little even though I eat 500cals a day. I am a 14 year old girl, I am 5ft 3 inches and I weight 68kg, which I know is overweight because I checked my BMI on the NHS website which is very accurate and it said my BMI is to high for my height and that I am overweight. And I feel that since I am overweight I should be allowed to eat however little I want and my doctor should not worry and instead should be encouraging and praising me about my weight loss instead of saying that it is unhealthy. Like my parents do (who want me to lose even more weight). I believe eating too little is only unhealthy if you are of a normal weight, underweight or you have an eating disorder. I don’t just think i’m FAT....I am FAT!

You are not fat. Idk you or your body frame etc. you are a growing girl. If your doctor thinks you should lose weight-alllllll doctors recommend healthy balanced diet and exercise to do do. You may have an eating disorder. I had bulimia and body dysmorphia 20 years ago myself. Eat healthy foods. Low fat. Low red meat. No bacon. Lots of chicken, fruits, veggies. Exercise every day (like 30 mins of walking) start low weightlifting as your body burns fat to maintain muscle per my former fitness trainer!
Think in terms of health--not fat

But I know I’m FAT

@NCMom I literally just told you my weight 68kg for a 5ft 3in 14 year old girl is FAT. ALL my friends weigh 51kg - 60kg, some even 47kg

But I am losing weight and I have only gained 2kg back

@NCMom But it is working for me and I feel strongest and I like myself more when I don’t eat.