I made an appointment to talk to someone in regards to my de

I made an appointment to talk to someone in regards to my depression and anxiety. I'm so afriad cause I don't even knew where to start.. Am I just wasting 50 bucks? Is this even going to help? I'm not crazy or am I? Why can't I deal with this on my own? Omg why can't my mind just stop.. I wish I didn't feel so alone. I wish there was someone out here that can understand..

3 Hearts

Hi there. I believe everyone's journey is different, but I can tell you I understand feeling alone and unknown, and deciding to talk with someone helped me gain perspective and strategies for dealing with anxiety that I could never have learned on my own. I hope you find similar help!

Talking therapy can be really helpful...but it's recognising who's required to do the work...so that'd be you then : )

I'm ready for the work as long as it helps me.. I am so nervous and now I hit traffic.. I'm late and idk if I should even go.. I hate this

Definitely go...it's maybe the start of a journey

It's definitely worth going. When I first went, my struggle was more with being labeled. I feel like my mother uses it as leverage to get her way when she's angry with me, using labels to pinpoint how broken I am. It gets easier to deal with.

More importantly, its really good to have someone who's going to listen and who can give you tools to help you deal with what you're feeling.

I hope you go, learn lots, and come back feeling empowered! good luck!
If they try to put you on a bunch of different pills, ask if they have any natural alternatives, like Passion Flower... I know of a couple other natural remedies...

Omg it felt really good!!! I'm so happy I went.. I truly don't even know who I am or whether I even like anything about me but I'm so happy I took the step to admit it.. If I don't know me how can I know what I want or how to deal with my anxiety.. I'm in a constant fight with me.. I still feel blah but for some reason I don't feel as bad!!! About time..

1 Heart

@StrongA82 Yay! Always feels good after taking that first step. It can be rough, but you got this :slight_smile:

StrongA82, that's an amazing feeling isn't it? I'm kinda blessed in that my boss is a naturalist healer, and I experienced some of his healing early on, but really got a good treatment this Sunday, and again today... I finally feel like I have some inner peace...
which kinda makes me feel bad for my friends, because we lost someone dear to us (during the California shootings last week) and I'm the only one that seems to have a level head, and I attribute a lot of that to my new boss...

1 Heart

It does feel good and weird at the same time… I’m so sorry to hear about your lost. I’m happy that you have someone near you helping you keep level and giving you the balance to help your other friends… Just remember that you too will need to grieve and it’s ok…

I actually already have gone thru all of the stages, from shock, to anger, to grief, to anger again, to making peace with it... the only thing that's got me upset over it all, was that my friend was a pretty good guy, and it sucks that the planet has one less person like him...

2 Hearts

@imdbatty1 yeah that would bother anyone and I’m sure it’s hard… I can’t imagine how you feel… I see you mention natural remedies. Do you practice natural remedies? I don’t take meds cause they trigger my anxiety more so I deal with it till I can’t…

I practice, and live as many natural remedies, if I cannot find one for it, I consult my boss...

I use peppermint oil to calm me when I'm stressed...
I use vitamin B, B6, and St. John's Wart for when I get down and out depressed...
when I'm feeling lonely, I snuggle up close with my teddy bear named Sanity...

I've got a story worth sharing, take it for what it is worth!
my girlfriend has anxiety, panic attacks, and wants to be a healer herself... so I took her to see my boss, and he asked her, "when was the last time you had a panic attack?" and she said, "I think I'm having one right now!" (because she was nervous about meeting my boss for the first time... he laughed and complimented her on how self aware she was... as he basically gave her a guided meditation, she transformed from being difficult to be around, to someone that was talking to strangers, and others, and so many people swear it was like she walked into the room as one person, and came out the same door a transformed person... of course, there are still things going on with her, that irk me, but I'm taking it one day a time...

Awww that's funny.. One day and step at a time. I'm glad it helped your girlfriend.. Your boss seems kool..