I'm not really sure how to help my husband. He is an on and off user of heroin for about 9 years. I would defiently describe him as a heavey user. We dated for about a year and we married recently. In the beginning he was doing really well, he wasnt using and was staying clean. A few months down the line i started to notice changes and realized he was using. I've never used heroin and i've never even taken a perscription pain killer. It's hard for me to relate and get on his level and help him. He's 28 and he's been to 14 different rehabs, he also gets the pellet, which if you don't know is basically like a suboxone that they cut your arm open in the back and push it in. It blocks opiates for 2 months, but my husband knows when it runs out (which is normally before the 2 months is over) and he starts using again. I am 3 months pregnant and i feel like im at the end of my ropes with him. I'm not sure how to help him stop. I want him to be a part of my life and DEFIENTLY a part of our childs life. I'm scared every moment of the day that if will be his last day and that i might lose him. I give him all the support i can. I'm just not sure what i can do for him anymore. Can someone please help me
awe sweetie... heroin use is deffenitly one of the most complicated things in the world. first of all, i know that i dont know you or your husband, but i can pretty much garante that he does love you and your unborn baby. being a heroin addict doesn't make us "bad" people. we just have an incurable desease. one of the worst in the world. i just recently lost custody of my 4 beautifull children because of it. that sure as hell doesn't mean that i dont love them with everything in my body! this desease is so over-powering..i wish that i could tell you something that wuold make this all just go away for you(cause trust me, i'de do it for me too), but the only advice i can give you is just to be there for him. remember, he still is the man you fell in love with.
if you want your children to be raised by a heroin addict stay, if you want your children to be healthy leave.
You need to decide, is heroin more important than you that answer is "yes" and it is more important than your unborn child. if so stay, if not leave.
You are the "grown up here" not him and not the baby.
give your husband the choice, treatment, and get better, or else.
there is not an "acceptable" heroin use. Sadly, you will ignore that and find a reason "to stay" and think somehow this baby will "make him quit", so you play, gamble with your child. like a pawn on a game board.
sadly, you will "get mad" at me for saying this, but it is simply the truth.