I typed a long post late yesterday but it did not post as I

I typed a long post late yesterday but it did not post as I expected it to. I chose the PTSD sg and clicked on save. So I'm typing this post to test whether or not it'll appear.

1 Heart

This time it appeared immediately so I'm not sure what went wrong yesterday.

1 Heart

@DebFD This site has been giving lots problems lately! It has alway given trouble, when posting. This week it become worst! ! I am sorry it can be frustrating. I posted 10 replies to SG friends, and only 2 came through. As I said before, are you teaching me PATIENCE, SG!!! Please Administration do something now, about your site! I am keeping my fingers cross, that when I post this, it would be submitted… Here Goes!

Thanks for the feedback. It was the first time I tried to post so I didn't know if I did something wrong. I think I'll copy and save what I write just in case it happens again.

1 Heart