I was born with Gastroschisis and I had to have surgery as a

I was born with Gastroschisis and I had to have surgery as a newborn and since I was born with Gastroschisis I didn't have a belly button and when I had surgery, the doctors had to give me a belly button and I get body shame for being so skinny and I have tried everything to not be so skinny - ( Like when I was 8 I was wearing 4T clothes) And since then I have tried to proud of my body and belly button but people just keep bringing me down... And i don't know what I should do... Please help me...

People are cruel, but honestly what do people think when they comment on someone else's body, how is it anyone's right to do that?

1 Heart

@CKBlossom My sisters gags when she sees my belly button

awh thats so sad, you’re beautiful how you are

1 Heart

@k4seyleigh Im doing fine. Thank You for asking