Iam 44 years old and still bedwetting every. Night been to

Iam 44 years old and still bedwetting every. Night been to the doctors tried pills bed wetting alarms ect had test all came back ok

1 Heart

How is your overall health and weight?

Good other wise

Do you have any past demons or weird dreams?

1 Heart

Dont think so

I'mm 53 and still wet my bed.

1 Heart

Oh I don't. Think I will. Ever stop

I don;,want to rain on the parade but in my 70,s still wet the bed.

2 Hearts

@sport Some of us wet the bed all our lives.

2 Hearts

I wet about 3 nights a week, I have my soaker pads inside my diaper then high back plastic pants over that, it keeps my bed dry, that's the important thing. It's been something I've learned to live with.

@NW47guy thanks for your tip I still having no luck

I am 57 and still wet the bed

Thanks for replying

I am 70 and still wet the bed

1 Heart

I had a lot of trouble for at least a year and can say the cause for me was stress. After i moved to a apartment of my own and got out of a very horrible situation it stopped. Good luck!

1 Heart

Hi and welcome Barb1, so glad to have you on the site! Please keep posting and commenting! -SG

1 Heart