If who I am is not my Eating Disorder, than who am I?

Who am I? It has been the constant question that has entered my head since I was maybe 13 years old. Most teens go through that stage, trying to become who they want, or already knowing who they are- how lucky. Yet really that question was a big part of my life when I hit middle school. When you begin to become more of an adult. When you can start seeing the world through adults eyes. This question never helped me, however, it only drifted me further to who I truly was, to who I am now.
Was I the loud girl, the outgoing one? The girl who was silly and tried to make everyone laugh? The girl who wore bright colors to brighten everyones day. The girl who cut off her hair because she got mad at it in the hot summer. The girl who was brave enough to be the lead in the school play. The girl who sang, and tried sports, who had so many friends. Yeah- that was me in middle school. Where did that go?
At thirteen I finally became aware of my parents continuous dieting. I finally noticed the shape of my new curves- in sewing class we had to measure. I had an hour glass figure. Did I care- not really. Not yet. I started noticing others bodies. I tried my first diet. It lasted a week. I mean, honestly, how much could I already diet since I had become a vegetarian at the age of 10.
When I was 14, I got my 2nd black belt. I finally ended karate after 6 years of doing it. My school was about to change. My friends were leaving to go to a different high school, a bigger school. I had dumped my very 1st boyfriend and he made me feel terrible about it. I started voice lessons. I tried my second diet. It lasted 3 weeks and I was still a vegetarian.
When I was 15, I was lost. I was confused. I didn't fit in, though I tried too hard. I didn't do the school plays. I didn't play field hockey anymore. They told me my weight in the nurses office- I was mortified. I stopped having bagels every morning, and I tried my third diet for 3 weeks. I started talking to Michael, the love of my life. We started dating. No matter how good he made me feel, I still was lost, especially when I wasn't with him since he went to the other high school.
When I was 16, I started marching band. I sucked. I had no free time and was never home. My ex boyfriend from middle school yelled at me and called me names. My parents got weight loss surgeries. I started my 4th diet. It lasted 8 months. I was the shy girl. I was the depressed girl. I was the girl that wore jeans and an over sized sweatshirt. I was the girl who had cold hands. I was the girl you never saw eat. I was the girl with empty eyes. I was the girl who cut her skin. I was the girl who cried continuously. I was the girl who didn't know who she was. My mom put me on the scale one day with two tee shirts on, a sweater, jeans, and boots. I weighed x pounds. She said don't go much lower okay? I tried getting better with my boyfriends help- I gained some weight back, some color. My dad overdosed on pills and went away to inpatient therapy.
When I was 17, since no one go me help and no one noticed, I relapsed. I lost all my weight, not that I had gained much back. I started marching band again. I learned how to get rid of the food they made me eat too. I was the girl I was last year. I was the girl who would come out of the bathroom with blood shot eyes. I was the girl who would not eat unless forced. I was that girl. That was my identity. Nothing more. I wanted to know who I was on the inside. I looked for help. I told my parents. Nothing happened. I was forced again to figure it out alone.
When I was 18, I went to college. I tried no diets. I was healthy. I was the girl who was shy and read a lot. I was the girl with the steady boyfriend from high school. I was the girl with perfect grades. I was the girl who spent hours in her room doing homework. I was the girl who barely went out with friends. I was a girl who smiled and laughed. I was a girl who made friends. I was a girl who helped others through times of need. I took nutrition and had to count the calories. My third relapse started.
When I was almost 19, I relapsed completely. I lost everything I had become. I wanted to be the shy girl. I wanted to be depressed girl. I wanted to be girl that wore jeans and an over sized sweatshirt. I wanted to be girl who had cold hands. I wanted to be the girl you never saw eat. I wanted to be girl with empty eyes. I wanted to again be the skinny girl. I lost a lot of weight, not as much as the first time. I started to look dead inside. I wanted to be my Eating Disorder. Its the only identity I could fathom.
Months later, I was tired of the games. I was tired of being the crazy girl, the girl who barely ate, the girl with the loud stomach, the girl who was afraid of butter, the girl obsessed with weight and food, the girl that would cry secretly, the girl that would throw tantrums. I wanted to know who I was on the inside. Now I am in outpatient treatment- where I should have been when I was 16 and 17. Maybe I would have never relapsed if someone noticed. If they would have paid attention. I don't know who I am yet. I am still figuring it out. I am the girl who reads a lot. I am the girl that is rather shy around new people. I am the girl that gets excited over small things. I am the girl who loves her boyfriend of nearly 4 years. I am the girl that cant decide on one hair color. I am the girl that loves latte's and hot chocolate. I am the girl who loves to buy new clothes. I am the girl who Loves chocolate! I am the girl who loves to write. I am the girl who is caring of others and will be a nurse one day. I am the girl who is still cold all the time. I am the girl that doodles on All of her notes. I am the girl that loves the color green. I am the girl who is beautiful no matter what weight.I am finally figuring out what girl I really am.

Don't let ED take away who you truly are. Don't let ED be who you are. Just be you!

In life we are going to go through ups and downs. Some we have made others made for us. You are young still and there is a big world out there and even if you don't get to touch down on all of it you can have the knowledge. This is what people are afraid of, stepping out of the comfort of what they think is the norm. ED is something that is a problem and many people don't want to live with it but we can't help it. If you can find out what 100 calories look like, there was a web site I once found telling you with pictures. Try and get the fruits and vegetables that have vitamins, also eat nuts. When you eat think of it as a way to live. Eat only what you need to become full. You don't need to try and please everyone, work on you first and know that you are not alone.

I understand, thank you for the insight. You are right, we do have to put ourselves first once in a while. We are important to!
Thank you,

- sorry this post was super long by the way!-

I loved what you shared Allee…the parts of YOU will remain intact throughout and beyond the ED…keep working on maintaining YOUR identity, and not the one that the ED wants to create. Take care…Jan :heart:

That was a beautifully written honest expression of yourself. I can relate to a lot of your past pain. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for writing that i too am just figuring out or trying to figure out who i am. Im much older than you and have been lost a long time. I need to find out who i really am so i can make my future the best it can be. Good luck and never give up

Agreed. Never give up. It sounds like you've been through a lot too so good for you for staying strong through most of it. I am still trying to figure out who I am but the ED covers the true me up. Fight to be who you are and keep holding on girl!! Beautifully written by the way

this was a very lovely and honest reflection--thanks for that! i have always always thought my identity---was my looks. period. no ifs ands or buts. that is all i thought i was . that s it. i dont feel good enough to be any more. i thought--if i control the way i look--than my looks will be me. too bad i hate my looks no matter what. i have always wanted to change. nothing was good enough. my own body was not good enough. nothing was.

it isnt until recently i started to acknowledge i am not my looks/body. i am not . i am me. the lovely soul on the inside that adores helping others and loving others and treating everyone with care and compassion. i am NOT what i look like . nor do i need validation from others.

ED made me beleive all i was ever good at was controlling my body and looking a certain way. he would always tell me 'you are nothing else and never ever will be good at anything else.'
that was loud and clear --that i was nothing else but an image and i would never ever be good enough to do or acomplish anything else in life. i felt dumb, worthless, stupid, incapable, retarded, like scum.
even though i did so well in school!
i felt like a dumb blonde who could only be an image---an image i didnt ever like no matter what. that is what i thought was my destiny.

i decided to change this destiny i have give myself this week. i am not a dumb blonde who is to be nothing more that a mere image. i am more than my image. i am loving , kind , very smart(ok that one is a hard one to admit) capable of doing things, worthy, good, talented, kind to others, quiet( i will always be quiet no matter what --i am not loud in any respect) , shy, thoughtful, pensive, emotional, passionate( finally!) and determined!

i like to write, read, i hate t.v., i love music, and singing, and dancing, and nature and being silly and goofy... i am a bookworm and love to study and research things.... i like to think and ponder about life and how i could do something to make it better. i wonder sometimes IF i can...
i love the color pink and green, i love hot chocolate, i feel like i never fit in, i love winter, and spring, and fall and dont like summer. i will always love a cold, crisp sunny day with the wind blowing on my skin.i am the girl who loves poetry and culture and the arts...

i am forever romantic....

while i cant say i am beautiful at any weight, i hope to see that one day.

last but not least i need NO ONES approval to live! this is my life! period! what others think does not matter to me!

alle, the similiarities we have are quite shocking....

i guess that is why we all bond so well here..

love ya


thanks for writing this allee, this so helped me...

i am NOT my body/looks . this is the first week i can actually say that. the first time in my life i can actually say--I am not what i look like... scary, but true


Your welcome Maureen. I don't think I meant to write this- it just poured out while I was typing.

Thank you everyone for being so supportive. Its important to remain who we are. We aren't our ED's, we never will be. Just be you :)


cheers to being the true us!!! let us go on about our journey into our own truth...


Haha, Maureen! You brighten my day- actually you have brightened so many of my days. :) I am glad you have realized that you are not your outer shell today. Thats a big deal :)


that only happen this week! that is why i relpased 3 weeks ago!i didnt see that! that is one of the final steps in recovery i needed--( knowing we arent our outer selves)... well, that and accepting oursleves..

i learned that this week--finally i see the light! after a year! for petes sake... too bad my last dabble in anna really messed up my body though..

you brighten my days too...always..


it is so amazing to have freinds that you have so much in common with and share the same feelings...
