If you can help

I need to tell my teacher that I am being molested by my Cousin... my teacher is a male. I'm going to ask him to bring me to the police station after I tell him (my boyfriend is coming too) and I'm POSITIVE ill need to talk to a few male officers so... if you can help. How do I tell my teacher? What questions might he ask?

Hi LucyLoumoo, I am so very sorry for what you are going through. I agree with telling an adult. Just tell your teacher what has been going on and go from there. This is a link to another site that may also be of help to you: http://www.rainn.org/ . Please keep coming back and letting us know how you are doing. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

Maybe it would be a good idea to have some female support for you when you go to speak to the police officers. You have my complete support and understanding as my girlfriend was raped as a child and I see the psychological damage that has been done.

Do you have any other teachers that are not males? Wouldn't you feel more comfortable telling a female rather than a male? Just wondering, I know being raped by a male would want me to have nothing to do with them, much less confide in one.

I am glad you are telling. Take someone who will stand up for you for a long time. It will take time to heal. I am so sorry you had to deal with this.Be strong and stand tall, it is not anything that you did. I hope you know that you did nothing wrong.