I'm new on here just wanted to reach out

I'm new to the site and just wanted to say hey, everything is messed up right now, Iv'e had depression since late 2008 and coped really well for 18 months on my meds and tried not to drink much.
Sadly On sat evening I got wasted and had to get taken home , i was acting daft and someone took exception and wanted to fight me, I wasn't doing anything but try and hang out with some random people after my friends left which I know was silly.
Now i'm scared to leave the house in case i run into somebody , I had to take today off and go to the doctor i'm in work on Thursday and want to go but feel scared at what people are going to say or do if they know i was drunk and stupid.
If the phone rings i cringe , the only place i feel safe is my room, i'm 26 years old and feel like a major failure i feel scared

Hi there no such thing as a major failure at any age .. You did not do anything thats not been done before ... So you got drunk no big crime but with luck you will have learned from it and will not do it again ..Dont be so hard on yourself just be careful in future If you have a problem nows the time to deel with it ...Good luck

Thanks for your response I guess things might be okay my nerves are shot though, when I went to the doctors I had to go by a quiet route on foot so that nobody would see me.
It's the paranoia that seems the big issue, what did i do etc

I would nip it in the butt and call your friends and apologize. I'm 43 years old and I've had myself in that position a couple of times. And what I did the next day is call my friends and apologize. They would understand because they too have been in that situation sometime in their lives.

Good for you for finding this site & welcome to supportgroups, think on it for awhile & dust yourself off, start over again, sometimes one isnt aware of how powerful their actions might be under the influence, so please keep talking here if & when you feel like it, we're here for you & don't dig you head in the sand.....

Take care of you

The theme in the posts here seems to be "forgive yourself!" and I agree.
Making mistakes, or doing or saying the wrong thing is a part of life. It does not make you good or bad, a success or a failure.
I grew up around this type of black and white thinking...achievements and appearing like you had it all together was success...anything else was failure.

Forgive yourself...what does that mean?

To me, it is...realizing that nobody can make me feel guilty or depressed, even if I did something stupid.
That I am a worthy, lovable person ALWAYS!
and I don't waste time berating myself, I spend that same time looking at what I can learn from the situation.

Hi there folks thanks for the really great replies to this post. I went into work today and wandered around and it was fine - was able to face people and even took a main route into work on foot. Not run into anybody from Sat Night yet and as a colleague said who knows about my depression issues everyone has done it and that i need to just get on with it.
I can't deny that I felt sick before going in or that I'm still not 100% but maybe it will all work out. One setback in 18 months is hardly major I guess.

Hi scaredguy, Welcome to Supportgroups.com . The majority of us have at one time or another done something where we messed up. We are the ones who beat ourselves up the worse. Now put down the big stick, dust yourself off and start over. Learn from this. Glad to see you went back into work. Keep taking it a day at a time and it will get better. Keep sharing with us.