I'm stuck. I have no motivation to wear my brace or do my ex

I'm stuck. I have no motivation to wear my brace or do my exercises. I've been threatened with surgery, but somehow I just seem to not care. I want to care, but I don't. I have a 30 degree thoracic curve and a 31 degree lumbar curve. Wearing my brace is so painful and my degrees are getting worse by the weeks. I don't know what to do anymore except let it get worse, then let surgery ruin my life. I'm being forced to lie in a bed I didn't choose to make. I'm 15 btw.

Have you tried wearing it part time throughout the day?

@Jordan5683 yes, i’ve had my brace since may. im supposed to be wearing it 22 hours a day at least, but at max i get 8 a day.