In our latest blog we talk about choosing to share your Ment

In our latest blog we talk about choosing to share your Mental Health Diagnosis with others and we we shared the following questions:
Who will you choose to trust with your diagnosis?
Or, who have you trusted? Was it a good or bad experience?
What is one thing you would do differently?
What is one thing you would do the same?

We look forward to your thoughts and comments. -SG

A diagnosis is not an identity label. I don't have a diagnosis but I know I have cptd, secondary ptsd, and fibromyalgia. And I tell people my diagnosis whenever I like, like you would tell people you have allergies when there is food being served. If I cant remember what someone says, I tell them I have memory issues because of fibromyalgia so that they can understand. It's a part of my life story that lets people understand how to connect with me and prevent misunderstandings. And the people who judge me for it, I dont even register their existence because they're usually the sort of people I avoid anyways.

@Blueberries1234 We adore this response, we are so much more than a label or diagnosis, but the viewpoint of this blog is more along the lines of what to do after you have fought for a diagnosis. Of course there are those who don’t wish to and that is fine, but for those who wish to take medication a diagnosis is necessary.

Exactly, why should anything mental health related be any more or less looked at than a food or environmental allergy? To those that judge or are unkind, bye Karen, go back into the hole you crawled out of.

From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder