I am a 22 year old wife and love my husband so much. We know that we are unable to have a baby, due to the fact that my husband has had two brain tumors. My husband, Jake, says that it doesn't hurt anymore to know that he can't father a baby. However, I know that it does hurt him. I see it in his eyes every time he looks at someone with a little girl or boy. I don't know how to help him. We both want a baby really bad, but not really sure how to go about it.
Hi Jakesgirl,
Glad to hear you are in a healthy relationship, and sorry to hear about the issue around wanting to be parents/
Is the problem that Jake is infertile due to the medical condition, or that he fears he won't be around for a child later in life?
Much luck and love,
He is nearly 5 years clean, but is infertile due to the treatments. He had to go through chemo, radiation, and a stem cell transplant.
Is adoption an option for you guys? If not, you could talk about insemination by a donor- would that be a difficult issue for you?
We have talked about both of those. We were talking about IVF but not sure to start.
Hi Jakesgirl,
I absolutely encourage you to speak with an infertility specialist to check out ALL your options, including IVF. When you know what your options are, you will probably feel more in control of the situation, and perhaps feel less "stuck" in the current circumstances you are facing. I wish you and your husband all the best, as you figure out what the next steps will be. Please keep us posted on your progress!