Is anyone here in this group? Bipolar is so challenging, I'm

Is anyone here in this group? Bipolar is so challenging, I'm surprised that there isn't more activity on this page. I hope that means everyone who is here, or used to be here, I hope it means that everyone is doing well.

It just isn't very active anymore actually the whole site isn't as active as it use to be. I think a lot of people left people keep coming in but more leave. I think bipolar is a bit harder because it's more difficult to stabilize. You might need to tweak your medication.

1 Heart

Seems the posts are not showing up correctly on the site overall.

1 Heart

I see. Thank you @Fohb460 and @Lookn4raysofSunshine. I am actually stable and managing my bipolar very well right now, but it has been a tragic journey. I came to SG during a horrific bipolar episode 6 years ago. My hope with this group now is that maybe I could help prevent people going through times as bad as mine were. This is the only group where I am actually confident that I can support people with some life experience and advice. The other groups I don't comment very much because I don't have advice. I'm still struggling so much with the other issues that I don't know if I can help anyone in my other groups.

@afunk I see that I’m already supporting you. If you support me then we can private message once in awhile if you would like.

I am

1 Heart

@Junior726 Hi! Thanks for being here and letting me know. I appreciate it.

just supported you. yes so challenging. along with trauma, it's incredible that I'm even alive

1 Heart

@strawblue Thank you for supporting me, and letting me know you are here. Yes, challenging with trauma, big time. I’m thankful that you survived everything you’ve been through. For me it’s incredible that I didn’t end up homeless. Bipolar is rough!

From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder

From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder