Is it normal for HOCD people to feel ELECTRICITY in genital

is it normal for HOCD people to feel ELECTRICITY in genital area when suddenly the idea of having sex or contact with same sex comes to your brain? or electricity when you imagine LOVE with same sex?

it's groinal response,it doesn't mean you're aroused.

@Predator202 not groin… but actually on the penis… like starting to have a sex with a woman! how to stop that? I have been fighting to stop that but never can! :frowning:

It's totally normal, it happens a lot when you have hocd. it's a "false gronial response" it's caused by anxiety, because anxiety increases the blood pressure. Most of the time people get this "electricity" in their genital area because they are focusing too much on other people's genitals. (when they are checking) Don't worry, it's all HOCD.

@D_D_M thank you both. want to clear it: NOT groin! groin is another part of the body… just like I start a sex, I am aroused, but NOT because I want sex with same sex… I feel so unhappy, never can stop that!

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)