I've noticed that more more and more men of all ages have become accustomed to texting more than picking up the phone to make a call. Is it ok when this is the primary means of communication in a relationship? Does this mean that the man is less serious about you when he texts you more than he calls?
i think its ok to text. Think of it this way: when you text you can answer back when you get a chance if you are busy, you can think of what you want to say. On the phone you are put on the spot.
I don't think texting is an indication that the man is not serious. Its just the new way to communicate :)
I think in the initial stages texting can be easier. I don't mind the phonecall, but some men I'd say can be intimidated with voice on voice phone...it doesn't mean he cares less. Usually phone calls with men are quick and snappy anyway, they tell you the news, you tell them and it's all over in about 7 mins.
Not like us girls did you see Grey's Anatomy tonight...bla bla bla. That's the thing I like men V women, we could chat til the cows come home, they chat to ensure the cows come home :)
Don't worry if it's initial phases texting is fine...once he's more comfortable, he'll begin to mix it up.
Thank you both so much for your input and viewpoint on this, I really appreciate it. I like both of your takes on texting, and it's so true about men not being chatty on the phone, like women can be.
And I've also been told that it's super intimidating for me to pick up the phone and call, so texting is a lot easier, especially when there the potential for rejection.
Thanks Flowergirlh2o! I have to continually remind myself that not everyone's a phone person and most especially not men. Most of my male friends really don't like chit chatting on the phone.
Texting seems to be the way of life right now. Seems like more people text each other than actually talk on the phone. At least those with the means to do so. I guess when the phone became popular years ago, some women asked if talking on the phone was ok in a relationship instead of talking face to face. They may have asked similar questions to yours - Is it ok when this is the primary means of communication in a relationship? Does this mean that the man is less serious about you when he phones you more than he actually visits you face to face?
Thank you Moongal! It's so so good to be back here, I really missed all of you.
Bluidkiti, that's really such a fantastic point, I never thought of it that way. You are so right, it doesn't necessarily mean a man is less serious about you....it's just a newer mode of communication that's become so much more common.
hey all just gigling as i'm reading some of the entries on this thread. moongal you had me lol.....i really needed i good giggle
i'm a very young old person.....don't do text, don't know how to, don't want to learn...i like that my kids pick up the phone and call me....i guess i'm a bit devious then....if i knew how i'd get a text rather than a call.
moongal was right on about the men and the cows....oh my goodness so funny. it's true, just the facts of the day nothing more, nothing less.
have a good one gals, sorry to interrupt but i just think your all very cool
Kathy, thank you so much giving us your take on texting. I always love your words of wisdom. I do text with friends and I don't mind texting with a man I am dating if it's during the day and we're both running around and busy. Cute/sweet texts from a significant other can add a little sunshine to the day, at least they do for me. But, I am a huge fan of traditional old school phone calls. If a man is all texting all of the time, then I let him know that I prefer phone calls.
oh your to funny puppy.....nnaaa not wisdom here just a middle ager not into texting...i can only do so much techonology and then my circuits (no pun intended) overload.....
my interest in all things technology seemed to have taken halt when i left the working world as i needed to be home for my daughter.
I agree with Kathy, words are better than digits any day. If it's once in a while when you both are at work ok. But it's just as easy to talk on the phone.
I believe texting is leading to a whole bunch of people especially kids that don't know how to spell any more. And texting is just another way for them to take money out of your pocket. I've seen people on this site resort to texting and abreviating the hell out of words to the point you don't know what the heck they are talking about. I've heard kids use text language to talk to each other face to face.
Sometimes technology goes backwards, pretty soon our national language will be text.
oh gee mike, just has the same conversation with my son yesterday and just about said word for word what you just posted....so i'm giggling a bit over here.....my son is 32 by the way i agree mike, but remember honey we are from another generation night night middle ager hehe
Ha ya I'd have to agree with that alright. Maybe we should give up text speak for a month or something. I did actually find myself mispelling words when I was using it, when I was just writing in general.
There is actually a lot about technology that I don't like. Why do we need everything so instantly...could be responsible for a lot of stresses...now now now. You actually do here people say I couldn't live without facebook and my phone. Would be an interesting experiment, take a kid off facebook for a week, wonder what would happen?:)
Sorry this really has nothing to do with the originall post, it was just something I was thinking about today.
Moongal xx
I think thats an interesting question. Im very shy when it comes to expressing my true feelings so I usually used texting if we were having an serious conversation. Or I make the guy write down thing w pen and paper. Crazy I know but thats whats easiest for me.
I think the experiment is such a brilliant idea! I love it! I actually would love to partake in non-texting for a while and see what happens. And, I totally agree that it really takes away from our spelling. I find myself starting to use spell check more and more these days. I love that this post took this very interesting turn, it's an important topic, because technology has become so overwhelming. Soon, we won't have person-to-person communication any longer ;-)
hi puppy, another intersting turn the post could take is also about the texting while driiving ugh....even walking for that matter, i'm seen some in transit (daughter) bump into the door or trip on something while texting....gee is it that important that you can't "stop" to text or driving, pull over....one on my life experiences these past months is if its not a matter of life and death it indeed can wait.
Hi all us little trouble makers lol
They did a study on talking on the phone while driving. your attention to traffic is the same as being 4 times over the legal limit for being drunk. Since you have to look at the key pad while texting i bet it's worse than 4..
The State of New Jersey has made it illegal to talk or test on a phone while driving. 2 hundred dollar fine i think. Good idea all States should do that.
Now walking into a door it reminds me of an old windex commercial with the 2 crows LOLOLOL.