It's been almost six months since HOCD first decided to make

it's been almost six months since HOCD first decided to make my life a living hell. the beginning of it all was a nightmare. I never felt safe inside my mind. I was never at peace. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't focus. I never, in a million years, thought that I'd ever get over it. of course I am still haunted by thoughts every now and then, but they only gently tap my brain and then leave once they realize I'm not going to waste my energy worrying. being stubborn has actually worked in my favor for once I guess. before I start rambling, I'll just wrap it up with this: to everyone on here who thinks this will never end, it will. the thoughts will burden you less and less and eventually, you'll be able to look back and laugh at what you once worried about. I'm living proof that things will get better if you stay determined. the pain that you're feeling now can't even compare to the joy that's about to come your way.

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I still remember your first posts and yoy were so convinced you were gay and all this other maddness. So happy you are feeling better!

@anxietyohthefun thank you:) how are you doing?

Congrats. I very much am doubting I will though. Convincing as it is. Or maybe I'm just convincing myself its OCD.

@jdd I know, it’s so manipulative and convincing I hate it. If you need to talk to someone you are more than welcome to message me!

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)