hello to all,
first i want to wish all you fellow pain patients that you may have a somewhat painfree night. where i live, its suppose to be -25 below!! thats actual temp., not windchill temp, thats suppose to get down to -50 below or close to it tonight!! wohoo for me!! and it gets better!! im not on any pain meds either. if you want more info on that, head over to presc.drug and find post "soo sick and tired of being sick and tired." that will explain why im not taking meds. well, im on suboxone but thats not considered pain meds but it kinda helps.
ANYWAY, i guess i wanted to know if there were any others who suffer from chronic knee pain. i really cant say knee joint cuz im not sure if that what it is. the closest diagnosis ive gotten is they(docs) think i have nerve pain due the overuse of my knees. im a concrete finisher by trade sooo that may have something to do with it. ive had knee pain for about 7yrs total. it just all came to a head on aug.7th '08. like others who get to enjoy chronic pain, ill never forget that date as long as i live. thats the day i woke up and couldnt bend my knees and could barely move anything below my waist. joint wise you perverts!! but the majority of my pain is my knees. they dont swell often they just hurt all the time. for you that use the scale, usually im at a 5-6 all the time. on bad days, a strong 8. on days its at 8, all i can do is lay in the fetal position and rub them. i do take hot baths and i use diversion but other than that, i havent found nothing that helps. i do have hepc and thats what the doc say the pains from but ive done my own research. hepc causes joint pain but not specific joint pain. none of my other joints hurt so that lead me to believe hepc isnt the cause. not gonnna entirely rule it out though either. but my pain came on gradual and then on that date i mentioned, it was like someone took a baseball bat to both knees at once and since then the pain has stayed right around 5-6. there are those days where i feel like bouncing my head off the walls and others, i just sit there and stare off into space cuz theres nothing i can do for it. like i said, i was wondering if theres any other knee pain sufferers or others who can relate. trust me when i say any advice and feedback is MORE than welcomed. thanks for reading. and questions are welcomed too.