Last night I had such a long day and thought I deserved to e

Last night I had such a long day and thought I deserved to eat a lot... why do I do that?? I legit believe it is so mental and that I reward myself with food and binging when i do something good or work hard...anyone else feel the same way or have any suggestions to help this.

1 Heart

@87mah123 Welcome to the SG!
I feel for what you're going through. I wish I had some magic words that would help your desire to binge eat go away.
I believe you're trying to feel an emotional hole with physical food. I believe binge eating is just a symptom. I don't know this to be true, but it's what I think. I think to really get past binge eating once and for all, you should see a psychologist and let him or her help you work things out. I believe you can find short term solutions, but if you want to get rid of it forever, and not replace it with even more detrimental medical disorders, is to work through the issues now. The longer you wait, the more interest the issues earn; I'm not kidding. It only gets worse over time.
For the time being, you may try doing something physical when you feel like binge eating. For instance, if you feel you deserve to binge eat, you deserve to go for a walk in the beautiful outdoors instead. Maybe if you postpone the desire to eat, you can at the least postpone the binge eating and maybe that will actually stop it sometimes.
I still believe the true solution is to have some help looking at what's bothering you deep down.
I wish you all the best! I'll look forward to your next post.

2 Hearts

@GirlKitty thank you for your support. It means a lot