Loss of my Mother

On May 21,2010 My mother passed away. She had a lot of health problems. About a year ago I was informed that she only had a short time left because her kidneys were failing. I began trying to prepare myself for the impending loss, during this time my mother and i began to put a plan togetherand she made it clear that she wanted to have a DNR in place, and she wanted me to be her power of attorney and at the time I thought I understood why she wanted this and so I wanted to put her wishes in place. I knew that she was in a lot of pain and we both didn't want her to suffer anymore. As time went on I started to dread the call that I would be getting, everytime my phone rang and it was her husband my heart would drop. On May 21, 2010 at 2:45am I got that dreaded phone call She was on the floor unconscious and no pulse, the peramedic got on the phone and asked me what I wanted them to do, and my brain screameed out help her do everything you can, but in my heart I knew that wasn't what she wanted so I recpected her wishes and told them that they could let her go and before I knew it she was gone. I thought that I would be able to handle this boy was I wrong. Everyday since has been a struggle and I don't know what to do, or who i can talk to. I just need some help.

Hi babyshort27, I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. I can only imagine how I would deal when that time comes for my mother. Have you talked with your doctor about how you are feeling? If not, then I suggest for you to do so. Also maybe check into a grief support group in your local area for extra help and support. It is not easy losing those who are close to us. It takes time to heal. Everyone grieves differently. Talking about it does help. Feel free to continue to share with us. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

Thank you for your kind words. I haven’t talked to my doctor as of yet I didn’t think that there was anything that he could do for me, as for the support groups there arn’t many in my area so I am trying to find one somewhere close.

im so sorry for your loss words wont mean anything at this moment but u should b proud u did as she asked. now its time to see to you see the doc or join a support group and take the time u need. grief has several cycles that u need to move thru and sometimes u dont make the transition as fast as others think u should but thats ok its not a race. sending u positive thoughts and loving vibes

Thank you so much. i am trying hard to do the best that I can but I’m having some trouble I things get easier.

yes things get easier but u have to do it at your pace and not someone telling u what u should feel.
dont be suprized if u go back to the teary stage or the did i do right stage?
one foot infront of the other and one emotion/problem at a time

sending u positive vibes and loving thoughts


what a wonderful outlook on life.

sending u as always loving thoughts and positivive vibes
D :)