Loving and Respecting our Bodies

Hello my great friends,

It took me almost 6 months to write this post, I was wanting to write this for a looong time but just couldn't figure out what I wanted to say exactly. So, Ill just let the post write itself.

When i started in recovery---i apologized to my body for hurting it so much. I felt pangs of guilt that I had never felt when deep in the ED. I even remember last year staring into the mirror with such deep hatred it was like daggers in my reflection. I wanted to punish or hurt myself somehow. Now, it is quite the opposite. Oh, there are times i do hurt myself through working out too much, but i really do try to RESPECT the body that was given to me. It is a miraculous and woderful being, even if i dont like the way it looks. Our bodies are sacred, amazing, with so many organs that work in harmony with one another---now tell, me how amazing is that! All the organs know what to do with one another----are designed for our optimum health and liveliness. We have a beautiful immune system that helps defend invaders from the body, a digestive system to help us absorb nutrients into food, the amazing 5 senses, the wonderous muscular part of our body which helps us run and do things , the miraculous heart which pumps blood into every vein artery, and our incredilbe brains which help us think, give us our personality, and store information. And so much more!

Overall, it is a vast wonderous myriad of the amazing human body! During recovery, I began to respect my body not for what it looks like , but for the incredible being it is. When I would hurt it --I swear --I would hear my body say " Don't hurt me! I don't want to be hurt!". It sooo reminded me of a child screaming to stop hurting it and I was the abuser torturing it. So, I began to talk back to my body and say I AM SORRY. I am sorry for hurting you, for torturing you, for putting my organs through hell, for having my heart totally overwork itself, for killing my digestive system, and for destroying those many lovely vital organs inside of me that all work together for good. I almost cried when I first started recovery. I thogut about all the ABUSE I put myself through; my poor body in ruins. I feel sooooo GUILTY for hurting and amazing creation.

So, today, when I do something stupid like hurting my body subconsciously, I apologize to it and feel GUILT. This is my body given to me for GOOD. I shall not hurt or destroy it. And I listen to my body--and ask--what would you like? It sounds corny , but man, it WORKS and I use this in my recovery tool box. It is the beginnings of self love and respect. And when I hear my body cry--'Please dont hurt me" --I listen...sometimes it takes a while but I do. And I --in a way--'hug' myself as if hugging a child, a hurt child...

I one day hope to love the way it looks, I think that will happen in time. For now, I love it for its abilities and miraculous ways of it...
I still have hatred for myself, but as I learn to respect my body and care for it, I think that will go away in time....

This is me, the only me, I have a body that works wonders inside of me, and I shall NOT hurt it!

hope this helped someone,


I put this post in practice when i wanted to hurt myself today! so, it does help, well, for me...


Great Post, dear friend. Full of wisdom and insight. I can only hope I adhere to what you say.

thanks so much, molly! so kind...

dont worry--you aready have put this philosophy to use! youve come a great long way--and hey--i still have a long way to go , too.

remember when you gave up the diuretics? and went to therapy? big steps...

for sure you will get there, you are aready doing a great job, friend!


and i sure hope that you dont work so hard, take it easy , friend!


not sure if people understood my thoughts on the post...hope so..

I did, it was a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing that with all of us.

xo, July

Wonderful post! Really puts it in perspective. Hard for the ED mind to 'digest' but really puts it in black and white.

thanks so much sarah, glad you liked it. i was worried if it made sense...

it did help me a lot, and yes i wrote this while ED was tackling me yesterday, and yes--im sure ED was angered! ha, but i didnt care...cause i won out...

love to you,


and welcome, sarah, to support groups, --it is a great place to get loving compassioante help and understanding..


Thank you! I am really struggling right now, and thought this would be a great place to find some extra support. It seems to be a very supportive community.

yes, it is everyone here is awesome....really, how i wish people were more like in real life...

i consider it the best support group---ever! ha...

more people have gotten helped and or recovered with the help of this site..which is not to say that people who are struggling with ED can do it on their own, they really do need treatment, therapy, support...

wishing you the best!


i think this is an important post for all of us--and an important reminder for me to cherish the body and that it is very very smart!!!!!oooo it knows what it is doing!

and no you can't fool your body!!!!!


maureen darling, this is a brilliant way of seeing it.

i can absolutely not imagine ever liking the way i look but i do for example like the feeling of being physically strong, especially as a woman, and of being able to do sports. i know i won't be able to keep those things if ED continues to rule my life.
maybe i need to start battling by accepting the inside of me, meaning the functions of my body.

thanks for making me think :-)

love ya

i agree with you maedi---i dont think i can ever like the way my body looks( well, not now anyway, maybe in time) but it is so important to treasure our health--those beautiful internal organs that are DYING and screaming to be taken care of and loved!!!
yes maedi--you (as well as i) need to start battling by accepting the functions of our bodies as amazing..

if we wouldnt do what we would do to a four year old, why do it to us????

glad it made you think---it is helping me out right now ...

thanks hon,


Great post, maureen. This is soooo important for me to remember. Thank you! I too can't imagine ever loving my body. It is so disgusting- extra skin, pale skin, too tall, big hands and feet, ugly face, I could go on and on. And though its not logical I do still feel fat sometimes. But I hope that with recovery my perspective will change. Your post made me stop and think, and remember the many reasons I need to cherish my body...thanks. I only hope someday these feelings will come more naturally

thanks sooooo much chelsea!im glad it made you stop and think....and i hope in recovery you will know YOU are beautiful and incredible!
