Low Platelet Count

Hello everyone,

I hope that you are all doing well, or getting there!

I am almost one year out from chemo for small lymphocytic lymphoma. (I haven't posted here in quite a while.)

I am still feeling the effects of the chemo. Today, I went to see the doc. Second time in six months. I'm basically OK, and feel good, although my platelet count is even lower than three months ago...

My doctor is sending me for a CT scan. He says that he doesn't see much in the way of swollen nodes or anything else that concerns him too much exept for the low PLT count. I would think I'd be getting better...

Has anyone experienced this?

Stay well,


Sometimes, just a precaution from the doctor. You are in my prayers and God will be there with you. You will be well and healthy. God bless you always.

Thanks, Marcie! Much appreciated.

Be well,


Nice to hear from you again Tman.

I can say that it took my WBC count a while to bounce back (several months).

I've got my one year scan April 6th. I've been experiencing some stomach issues that the Dr's all tells me are some kind of acid reflux, although I haven't had anything but a blood test to rule out ulcers. I'm on some Prilosec, but I've done all the dietary changes they recommend and I'm still feeling queasy in the morning and sometimes through out the day (never had this problem in my life before).

Hopefully they'll get you some answers from the scan. Glad to hear you are feeling well though.


Hi Andy,

Nice to hear from you, too! Although not without some problems, you seem to be doing very well… Good for you!

I had my last chemo in May of last year, so I’m 2 months shy of being out a year. The CBC has never been normal, but, close to it. The thinking was that “It’ll take some time to recover from the chemo.”

Well, I think I’ve had enough time to recover! The worst possibility is that the lymphoma is coming back. The chemo has weakened my lungs, and I get short of breath easily. I can’t see going back on chemotherapy when these two, chemo related problems are still in play.

Another summer of being incapacitated?

Take care,


I had a relapse... I now need to have more chemo. I don't know when, or what...

Tony, i am so sorry about relapse.
Sure hope your PLT count improves soon for you.
My DH has had CT scans and has cancer in his bone marrow.
Take care and best of luck.


Hi Nature,

Thanks for the support!

I hope all works out for you guys as well…

Keep us posted.

Tony, I am grieved to hear this news. Can they do a stem cell transplant? I've heard that's usually a good plan B for NHL. Sorry that you have to endure more chemo brother, but hopefully it will be a smaller amount to kill off this time a round.

Peace and health

Hi Andy,

Thanks so much for the support. I could use all I can get, because I am not looking forward to more of those horrendous chemo treatments.

I’m not trying to be ungrateful, but even though I’m probably looking at more chemo, a stem cell transplant was brought up (by the nurse practitioner) and my brother may be a possible donor. I don’t know much about it.

I have my appointment today, March 29th. I’ll let you know how it turns out. I’m afraid of having a more aggressive treatment, with all of its’ side effects and possible hospital stays for crazy blood counts, dyspnia (which I already have from the last round of chemo) and the being sick 24/7…

I sound terrible, I know, but I can’t wrap this around my head any longer. I feel cheated and ripped off. A raw deal that ruined all the hard work I put in for over 30 years.

I’m not going to deny my feelings, Andy. I hate and I’m full of rage. It may pass, but not today.

Thanks again for the support. Means a lot! Continued success in your recovery… May it last forever!

Have you been diagnosed with the same form of lyphoma or has it changed to another type? What areas are affected, where are the swollen lymph nodes located? Was wondering, because I've been reading on these posts where someone will have treatment for one type of lymphoma and then a couple years later, it changes to another form. I just got done with 6 treatments of R-CHOP and wondering what is around the corner, my fear is that the lymphoma will return. Stay strong, it is good to know that you have support from your family and friends!! Sending lots of love and hugs your way. Marge

Hi Pumpkin,

I have never been diagnosed with any other form of lymphoma, but was triple tested to make sure it is what it is.

I asked about this, and was told that it won’t change.

Do you have anything that says otherwise? I’d like to see it. Has yours changed?

Tony that's good news actually if you must have treatment that would be my choice.This is why I'm surprised that you didn't do the Rituxan before Treanda this last bout.Please don't take that wrong,no one in their right mind wants more treatment.It is indeed a fact that low grade folliculars will return.Some people get many years of clear scans others like myself well what can I say,I'm still blessed to be here.Hope this is your magic.Take care,Michele

Michele, When I was told that the first 4 treatments didn’t work, I just followed the docs orders and had Rituxan and Treanda.

I didn’t know jack about these drugs. All I knew was that I wanted to get rid of this lymphoma. I didn’t want to become an expert on it.

Now, I’m a little more savvy. But, what good is that? I really don’t think that taking Rituxan is gonna do squat, but, hey, that’s what I’m supposed to do… And, to contradict what I just said, it might work. This whole thing has gotten me to the point of senselessness. Worry, doubt, fear… and OUTRAGE. ok…

My platelet count “has gone up some” according to my advanced practitioner nurse. I hope it’s a trend.

No, I’m not taking you the wrong way, Michele! It’s just my negativity.

Let’s bring out the cure that’s sealed up in a vault somewhere…

Anyway, it’s opening day for the Yankees! Game starts at 1pm… yay!

Hey Tony,I feel your anger and pain.I can't even say this will get easier but it may.Always remember you have a voice in your care.You always have the option to say no and get another opinion.I hear you loud and clear**** just get this **** out of my body-RIGHT?If only things were so easy.Well where else can you vent like this.Hope it was a good game so the whole day isn't a wash.Sending you good thoughts,Michele

That’s what it’s all about, Michele… to get this shit out of my body. When I think that this will always be a part of me, never to go away, I just can’t believe it.

Some say that my lymphoma isn’t all that bad. They say it’s akin to diabetes. If you take care, you will live a long, relatively problem-free life. Yeah, well, we’ll see.

I know that there are others who have a much more dire prognoses than me, but they are fighting as hard as they can, in spite of it.

I don’t know where I will get another opinion? I like my onc and he is eminently qualified. Harvard MD, Texas U. and now Washington University School of Medicine. One of the countrys best. He is Professor of Oncology at Wash. U. I trust him, and he wants me to get well.

I wish I can do myself a favor and stop being so angry. But, it’s not something I can get used to. I’m used to fixing problems, not being a victim of them. I just can’t take my magic tool box and get the exact right tool for the job. Can you dig it?

Well, on a less sour note, the Yanks won their home opener 6 to 3 over the Detroit Tigers. (If I wasn’t sick, I might’ve been at the game!)

I hope you are having a good day, Michele!

Think I've done everything in my power but wish it away.


I just realized just how many times I say “I wish…”

But if I had one wish, guess what it would be?

Hint: This entire website, and every one like it, would be unnecessary.

Go Yankees! Love when it's baseball season! Always thought that should be our national pastime.

I'm blind and still full of anger about going blind young. What a loss of independence. Happened years aog,but i'm still upset about it! I know a guy that went blind about 10 years ago and at a meeting, he asked me if I were newly blind. I said no, "Why?"
He replied beacuse you're still angry about it!

Hey, we all deal with things in our own ways. I'm tryin' to learn to accept life on life's terms.

Best regards, everyone.


I am sorry that you are without sight. Is it total? It’s not fair. Or right. Jeez, what a rip.

I don’t know what else to say…