Male Loneliness and Experience

(This is a rant from the male perspective in this country. Not meant to be offensive.)

So tired of it. After years of watching blockbuster movies with out-of-this-world romances and seeing girls go out with anybody except me (especially if they’re popular) and being autistic and being pressured as a guy to make the first move but too nervous and emotionally abused to do something about it and getting too deep into a porn addiction and being told by women it’s not their fault if men are so culturally closed off they can’t be satisfied with having just friends in their life and seeing a manipulative Christian therapist who told me sex before marriage was wrong and being tols the number of dates, girlfriends, or amount of sex doesn’t define a person, and trying a hundred dating apps, paying for them, and nothing ever resulted, and being told I am young and things will get better, and improving my social skills and wardrobe and trying to have friends, mildy succeeding, AND still not getting girls anyway–I have had enough. Maybe.

I am 25. I have had TWO fucking dates in my entire life and while we got along, I didn’t think we clicked enough, we were looking for different things, and she was needy. These dates were last month. Oh, and she watched videos on her phone while we were watching a movie in a theater. WHAT?

Am I being punished because I didn’t fall head over heels with the first person who wanted a relationship with me. Women, you may have had similar experiences to this, but the day is now over where you think you understand men. You don’t. Price of the 21st century. “Men want only one thing and it’s disgusting–” Nope. We have been trying to socialize, seek new lives better for us than what our more restrictive ancestors want. Our lives haven’t improved as much as we would’ve wanted.

Speaking of the 21st century, while looking up search results on male loneliness I found the search option saying essentially, “Am I allowed to reject a woman?” Women, this is the sort of thing men try to tell you about all the time about gender rights and you don’t listen or you turn your back on them. YES, anyone is allowed to reject anyone.
There are other contributing factors to my thoughts and mood. I was actually asked out by a girl in 7th grade who said I was cute–she was a high schooler–but, being suspicious that she didn’t mean it (‘Women don’t just ask you out so easily’, I thought), I turned her down. I was told of another girl who had a crush on me and between 7th grade and high school graduation–nothing. I never broached even a SINGLE conversation. I made the mistake of thinking of dating and sex as a benchmark to compare myself to the neurotypical assholes whom I thought had such thigns before graduation. These sort of things pile up and form massive regrets. Time has not yet healed those scars. Logic, after a few years, has not removed those pains. I think my mother emotionally abused me. My father too, not that his lies about his infedility and his sex addiction helped it. And I’ve only been working on my romantic fantasies the last four years, not enough to undo a lifetime of negligent parenting and an apparently “incorrect” lifestyle.

Let me guess: I need more self-esteem? I have issues with my mother, so of course women don’t like me? I’m young so I’ll get there soon? Either I’ve been emotionally abused to the point I use romance to compensate or my inherited porn/sex addiction (I think it was an addiction; my therapist says it was more porn abuse) makes it impossible for me to ignore dating, or both. I’m tired of trying so hard on dating apps and either nothing happens or it’s too expensive to do anything practical with the girls that ostensibly DO like you (dating apps frequently prevent people from texting or finding out who liked whom without paying serious cash). Maybe for all the liberal improvements in society, men on average do have higher libidos or otherwise chase after sex more. To the men, don’t tell me you haven’t wondered how much society says about men is true and how much, say, you were taught growing up about masculinity.

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