
why are you talking to me today you cause me so much pain and suffering. i relapsed because of you last night how do you expect me to not cry when you slam your fist into the table and scream at me because i’m “always playing the victim” what do you expect to accomplish by saying “every time i try to talk to you, you cry” how will i not cry if all you do is scream please stop it mom stop tormenting me stop begging me to eat stop pretending you care i’m tired

Do you still live at home and have to deal with this or is she around because you had a relapse? Either way, in her warped way she is showing she cares about you, but I understand how that feels like a little too late.

1 Heart

i still live at home so i cant escape her

I can relate, it was very hard living with my mother, we deal much better with lots of time and space between us.

2 Hearts

it truly is hard especially since i am the way i am

How are you? What do you mean?

You posted in the Narcissist group, so we are assuming that is how you view your mother. Would she be willing to listen if you told her how she talks to you affects you greatly and if you gave her some examples on how you would like to be treated, would that help at all? -SG

1 Heart

no it wouldn’t my mother is hard on me she’s mexican and doesn’t speak english so sometimes i can’t find the words to say in spanish and when i try she gets mad at me and plays the victim leading to a argument

Not to downplay your pain, but it may frustrate her too that her daughter can speak 2 languages and she struggles to communicate fully with you. -SG

1 Heart

i have never spoken english to my mother i’ve always spoken to her in spanish the only language she understands she’s been in amaerican for 18 years and never bothered to learn the language