My therapist suggested broadening my social life in order to

My therapist suggested broadening my social life in order to solve my loneliness,relationship, and other problems. I talked to a couple of people on Tuesday, felt like I was getting somewhere. Today, it was sh*tshow. I tried sitting down with someone, but they were doing their own thing and I didn't feel comfortable talking. So I went to the library. Tried talking to these two guys; we conversed; on the other hand, they seemed to think I was weird, it demoralized and pissed the sh*t out of me. My anger got worse when I was driving home to pick up something and I had to wait two turns for a small intersection because police had to rush by for an emergency and the morons in my lanes wouldn't move even after they were half a mile down the road. I wasn't the only one who had a problem with that. Then I couldn't find what I was looking for because the store maps were wrong and the directions an employee gave me were nonsense.
I want to give up. Screw these people. I've been dealing with them my whole life. "Oh, most people are good and decent, go talk to them, they will be nice to you." My issues have been ignored by bad people who claim to be absolute saints, who contradict themselves to their convenience and my inconvenience. Am I supposed to believe anything other than people are parasitic and evil? Don't give me logic either; logic is for people who grew up with their parents giving them everything they have wanted. Logically, I should have been fine years ago. Didn't work. I'm not ignoring my problems, I'm not sanitizing them so people can feel better about themselves.
I'm mad.

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