I dated this girl for about 4 months, and the relationship was VERY intense. We were so happy for about 2 months of the relationship. She even told me she loved me and wanted to be with me forever after only about a month of dating. This was fine with me, because I was crazy for this girl.
About two months into the relationship, she told me that she was starting to become detached from the world. She said that her feelings of affection for her family, friends, and me had completely gone away. I tried to stand by her, but she became very abusive towards me. She would often times put me down and say very hurtful things to me. I tried to just brush them off, but they became too much. Also, she would periodically start fights or yell at me over very trivial things. Some days she was very happy, and would tell me she loved me and just be in an overall fantastic mood. Other days, she was very mean and hurtful. Often being very distant, barely talking to me, or just yelling at me and telling me how annoying I was.
The thing that she said this all started with comes from the following story:
***We were out at an bar one night (about a month and a half into the relationship). We had been drinking and having a good time with her friends. Suddenly, she told me that she wanted to leave. We did not drive there, so I told her if she wanted to, I would call a cab. She said she would be OK and would stay. About 10 minutes later I made an offhand comment to her about a guy who was flirting with one of her friends. She FLIPPED out on me and left the bar. Finally, after searching all over for her, we found her and took her home. When we arrived back at her place, she ran into her room and began to cry. Needless to say, I was very angry with her because I felt I did not deserve to get screamed at like that. I sat outside her room for about 40 minutes and talked with her roommate. Finally, when I decided to go into her room, I found her in her bathroom. She had cut her arm in three places with a razor blade. Also, when I entered the room, she attempted to swallow a whole bottle of Lorazapam (which she had been prescribed to). I had to make her vomit tall of the pills back up. We talked through this, and I got her calmed down. Eventually, she told me that she didn't mean to yell at me, but she had an anxiety attack at the bar (something that was frequent for her, she had previously been prescribed to Xanax, and I had witnessed her have these attack before and had successfully calmed her down). Eventually, we talked through everything, and were OK.***
She claimed that, because of this night, she felt like I had abandoned her when she needed me. I tried to explain to her that if I had known what was wrong with her, if she would have told me instead of just flipping out on me, that I would not have gotten mad and left her alone. Needless to say, she told me that she could only see the "black and white" of it. That I had abandoned her and this caused her feelings for me to change. I tried to stay with her, but I just couldn't. I did so much for her (took care of her when she was sick, payed her bills, brought her everything she wanted), but she was so unappreciative, and no matter what I did, her abusive nature towards me would not change.
I eventually ended things with her, but I'm left wondering if this disorder was the reason for all this. Thanks for reading, any input would be greatly appreciated.