New Chest Pains Healing Depression

Hey all,

I'm new and just started treating depression. I'm taking wellbutrin, more-so for smoking induced depression but I'm also SAD during the winter-time.

I was wondering if anyone has had chest pains. I get them so intensely, and sometimes I wonder if its more than depression. I get them after I smoke, and sometimes when I'm feeling apathetic. I told my psychiatrist I'm not feeling enough, and all I want is to be happy.

He gave me wellbutrin for quitting smoking, because I guess I'm not seriously depressed to him. I just don't feel right. Or feel enough.

But I'm hopeful this time about wellbutrin, I think the slow release didn't work as well and that's why I quit taking it after a week last time. I've never been on an anti-depressant for more than a month.

I always get nervous about withdrawal or dependency. But I think that I might need to feel more. Even though I can function without feeling as much, I'm on a lower functioning level than normal. I think I'm doing well for having schizoaffective disorder.

But the not feeling is making me act borderline. I can't really tell anyone this...but sometimes I get really strange or suicidal because of not feeling enough...and I think it's the problem of not feeling.

it's help

Hi Iris,

In my experience chest pain is a normal symptom of anxiety/depression. I am in full antidepressant withdrawal at the moment with horrible anxiety and the chest pain is clearly marked. I also had it before i got medicated... it is one of those things. I try deep breathing every time it hits.