New here. I was diagnosed with BED just over a year ago. I

New here. I was diagnosed with BED just over a year ago. I started seeing a therapist a few months ago, but I continue to struggle with getting this beast under control. I've been reading a few books and watching videos on YouTube, but I'm finding it hard to apply the principles that I've learned. This is the first time I've gone the support group route. I'm also battling diabetes, depression, and anxiety. It feels like I'm stuck in this vicious cycle. I can't get my depression and anxiety under control because I can't get my blood sugar under control. I can't get my blood sugar under control because I can't get my BED under control. I can't get my BED under control because I can't get my depression and anxiety under control. I'm stuck on a carousel and I can't make it stop long enough to get off of it.

Some days I feel like it would be easier if I just didn't have to eat.

1 Heart

It WOULD be easier if we didn't have to eat. But, we do. And, food will always have a taste and it will always connect with our emotions, too. There's really no getting around it.
I understand the cycle you speak of. I have my own patterns of anxiety, depression, food and resentment. It's all internal, it's all me.
Have you even observed someone who truly doesn't have issues with food? I have, many times and it fascinates me. They say no to tasty foods, they don't eat a bite past being full. They can skip a meal if they aren't hungry without an issue. How? WHY? It's so foreign, it's so weird. Not being able to be like that is depressing, confusing and just plain bad luck.
I feel like we can't be like these people, we have to learn how to manage. They simply don't have the same struggles that we do. We have to learn how to manage the struggle.
What is your research in the books and videos advising you do?

1 Heart

@HildaBeast The biggest take away from the research that I’ve done is to simply accept that this is not going away. Binges will happen. The goal can’t be elimination, but it should be to make them progressively further and further apart. I had to remind myself of this last night after a binge. I haven’t binged in several days, but it hit me hard last night. Needless to say, I woke up this morning with a pretty low opinion of myself. I just have to forgive myself and move forward.