New nutrition label on meat

just some info for everyone to understand new labels on meat:

":For Americans concerned about their dietary health, they now have more information available to make decisions about the food that they’ll be putting in their mouth. As of January 1st, the USDA has issued a press release covering nutrition labels that will now be placed on meat. Yes, like the nutritional labels you’re probably already accustomed to seeing on soda pop and cereal boxes, you’ll now be provided with similar information on packages of meat ranging from beef brisket to veal rib roast.

Last week, the new rule was announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture which will require 40 of the most common cuts of poultry, pork, beef, and lamb to disclose information to consumers including calories (total), calories (from fat), as well as the total grams of fat and saturated fat. Interestingly, the metric system has crept into the lexicon of American nutrition."

read more here:

Thanks for the info!

Better late then never.

Thanks Luke