New year new you

wasn't sure what area to put this post in, but read this interesting article about how you can change your life for the new year and one way to become a better person. they give an interesting suggestion about writing to a few close friends about the changes you want to make and for them to make any recommendations (not sure i like that part). but this could be a good way to put whatever you want to change out there and make a fresh start for the new year

"Most New Year’s resolutions end up crumbled and discarded, along with the paper streamers and cardboard hats we don as the ball drops in Times Square and the clock strikes midnight.
We say we’ll shed 10 pounds, but we gain them back. We say we’ll be at the gym three times a week, but lose motivation. We say we’ll invest emotionally in our relationships, but lose interest or courage or faith."

tahnk you victoria!!
i haven't made any NYs resolutions in ages, simply cause i believe if you really wanna do something you can do it NOW!

but i do agree, if you do make them then you're more likely to keep them going if others know about it and even have some input. because you know that they most likely will ask about it at some point :-)

so what are yours??


i try not to make them, cause i agree with you, if you’re gonna doing something do it now. i of course would love to get in shape… just trying to do that.

and you’re well on your way for that already, vic!! :slight_smile:
keep up the good work!


maedi- thanks so much for all your positive words and support. you are a great and much needed cheerleader here!

all cause you are all such lovely, valuable and truely deserving people yourselves :-)

how are you getting on with your new healthier life?


slow. i love baking and am in charge of dessert for the dinner party tonight. but i've been pretty good, only had a few cookies while cooking. going to try and get in a workout today cuase i know that will make me feel better.

hope you are having a great day!

you need your treats too, cutting the out completely will only break you.
and isnt it amazing how good exercise can make you feel despite or maybe even because of the effort? once you can appreciate that, you've found your way to a healthier you!

happy new year, vic!!

Thanks Victoria:

I really enjoyed your post and everyone's comments as well! I think it is a great idea to tell a few trusted friends what your goals are for 2011...because you are more likely to receive encouragement and accountability from trusted friends regarding achieving those goals.

I am going to take you up on this advice and share some goals of mine (I guess that means that I am going to actually have some REAL RESOLUTIONS) with a few trusted friends. I will let you know how I am doing periodically throughout the year.

Thanks for the great idea!

I distrust Fox News in general.

I see you too have noticed how bias Fox News can be...and that's something to distrust.

i'm just paying attention to the article and advice.

SMS47 - glad that this advice helped you out. for my new years celebration we were supposed to share our resolutions, but somehow celebrated too much and forgot that part, but i guess it still not too late. please keep in touch and let me know how you are.

and maedi as always thank you for your wonderful words.