Not a great day 1but ready to start again!

Hi There, this is my second day here and not really sure if there is actually anyone on these chat groups anymore, but I’m back to report I did not do great yesterday. I am trying to eliminate afternoon sugar binges that have creeped back into my life on and off over the past year as a result of stress and poor coping from a child custody dispute and financial stress that has resulted. I have a high pressure job, although I think I probably put a lot of that pressure on myself, but have developed a pattern where I start to feel overwhelmed each workday between 1pm and 2pm and my solution is to binge on sugary things. Has anyone else experienced something like this, and do you have any suggestions for what has helped you?
I have a therapist and I am extremely healthy outside of the sugar binges which is why this is SO dumb. I am feeling disappointed in myself, out of integrity with my values, and just feel terribly physically from this. Would love to hear from anyone else has had success with.
In the meantime, my game plan today is to get out for coffee and a long beach walk, go to a pool party with friends, stick to my meal plan and shop for my meal plan, and finish my performance review for work. Some bonus things I hope to do are drink 9 cups of water, a face mask, and laundry.
Thank you for listening and send some positive and encouraging thoughts my way!

2 Hearts

Can be a little quiet around here sometimes, but good ppl come around every once in a while. Your plan sounds really nice. The beach and coffee - good combo. :wave:

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Thank you for your kind reply @FrederikaJones . Yes, it was a good combo and I am feeling proud of myself for sticking to me plan for the first day in a long time:)

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I love sugar. I could live on that alone. Not to mention I can tell it destroys me. I smoked, I’ve done drugs and nothing I found is more addictive than sugar. The cravings are terrible and so hard to navigate. Good luck to you , let me know what you find that works for you. I find that staying away from soda and forcing myself to eat as healthy as possible can sometimes keep them at bay. But as soon as my emotions are involved forget it.

2 Hearts

Action is the best medicine! Is there something new you want to try? Painting, needlepoint, learn a new language, volunteer somewhere?

You “suckandwanttodie” lol! i can relate to what you say about sugar - i’m half-dead from all the garbage but i still go back to it - i figure will keep trying till i die

hello! gosh are you still alive? me too sugar is like heroine to me, i once lasted 1 year off, but then i ate too much of everything else - that did not work so good, because i still had lots pains