Thought,I had TMJ,dentist,said he didnt think,it was that.Iv'e had swollen gland for yrs when I eat.Gotten,worse &acid reflux. Had MRI last Friday.Yesterday,told Several Masses in both neck glands. Any thoughts? I,see Ear,Nose&Throat Dr,Friday. Pat
Hi Pat, I wish that I could give you some insight, but I am not a doctor. Though, you are definitely taking the right steps in order to find out. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I know that you will get through this positively. Please know that you are not alone, we are here for you.
Request a biopsy of one of the nodes. It is info that will be needed for type and staging if you do have Lymphoma. I had to push my ENT after they did a MRI and it came back as suspious. He asked me if I had any of the Lymphoma symptoms, Night Sweats etc. (At the time I had some hot flashes) so I said yes thinking they were the same thing. That made him decide "well maybe we should do a biopsy" and it came back positive for Large B cell lymphoma, (which also turned out wrong) to which he said he was sorry and sent me to an Oncologist who did further scans and a bone biopsy. (That info came back for Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma, stage 4 because a small amount is also in the bone) I also have pretty bad acid reflux which I take a daily pill for. (doctors never said if it is part of the Lymphoma issues though) Mainly if something keeps going, after all the different tests, (I was on 3 different antibotics and over 8 mos to final dx) and things looks suspious, keep pushing for a biopsy. It is the only way to tell what you have and don't have. Good Luck and please keep us in the loop when you have time.
Hi,thanks so much for responding.Since,I have the MRI CD to bring to ENT,Iam scared as to it’s findings.(Which I wrote on other Post) Early Friday,wel’l see what ENT says.Yes;I do want a needle biposy. I,get the Chills,when no one else in house get’s them. Was told TMJ,14yrs ago(gland swelling,while eating) So;I don’t know what to think. Take care Hugs Pat
Hi Pat, Question why do you want a needle biopsy and not a full removal?Sending some good vibes your way.Take care Michele
I,meant I haven’t been diagnosed;yet.I,see ENT,to discuss MRI,results.Which,I have,because I got the CD(explains findings) So;Iam sure he will want to do Needle Biopsy,to make sure what this is.Lymp nodes&other stuff in MRI. ENT visit,Friday. Pat