nothing has felt real to me for the last couple of years, i feel like nothing, im worthless. i genuinely feel like nothing is going to get better and everyone who i have met is better off without me. i’ve told a few people abt this but whenever i say this stuff they’re always saying something like “it’s going to pass soon” but i’ve felt this way for years now and it hasn’t gone away. i just wanna feel seen for once in my life
Giving attention to thoughts and then believing them is what makes them seem real and true. But they never are. Ever. It just seems that they are.
Giving attention & belief to thoughts is what gives thoughts their apparent power and “realness”. Thoughts are extremely fragile and without our attention & belief in them, they can vanish in any moment.
So, if you think the thoughts you have are real and true, then carry on believing in them. Its your choice.
If you wish to free yourself from the shackles of the thoughts you have, then examine each one for truth and validity - ask “Where’s the evidence?”.
As you examine each thought and then see that none of your thoughts are true or real, you can then choose to stop giving attention to them. As you do that, they will stop coming into your mind or come less frequently until they stop altogether. Thoughts have zero power without our attention and belief.
Also, the thoughts you have are not really "your” thoughts.
i don’t know it’s true that what i think isn’t real but it feels too realistic, many people have shown me that they truly don’t care for me at all and could careless if i wasn’t around anymore but everyday i feel like everyone around me feels that way
The mind is a entirely closed chamber and it cannot distinguish between a real or imagined thing.
To prove that, remember something from your past, good or bad and you will feel the effects of it as it was happening right now.
Forget about people caring. Its a non thing. We are born alone, exist alone and die alone. Other people “caring” is involving people in our suffering. Since almost everyone suffers, all the time, its easy for people to engage in “sympathy” and “caring”. But its all pointless.
You can choose to become one of the relatively few in the world who is not a slave & victim of their thoughts. Or you can choose to believe in the imaginary things you are doing right now. Its your choice.
You are the architect of your suffering but also, the source of ending your suffering.
There is nothing worse than the promise of “this will make you feel better”. I got really sick of hearing that from doctors. I think it’s a blanketed response you’re given to help you hold on and not give up. All my treatments they are always so damn optimistic that I’ll be “back to normal” in the beginning. Then you watch as they slowly stop talking about when you’re going to feel better. Or they blame you for the fact you’re not getting better:point_up:. Sorry you feel like crap all the time.
The so-called “mental heath profession” have many people working who are “treating” people who are suffering, by using opinions and theory rather than facts and methods that actually end suffering for the majority of people. I too had my fill of the white coat brigade, who seem to live in a fantasy world about the mind and their “methods” for curing us. But none of them actually understand the mind, or even know where it is. Yes, its in the brain somewhere/formed by the brain, but where? And where does our mind go when we go to sleep?
Medical doctors in the 19th century and into the 20th century were tasked with “curing crazy people”, who had been put into asylums. These doctors used all kinds of methods, but because they did not understand or even know about the mind, all their methods were focused on the physicality of the person and not their mind. Thus, all their methods failed. But those people were not crazy or insane. They were just different. They still are but they have new names now - bi-polar, autistic and others.
I accept that there may biological aspects of the brain that are implicated in some conditions, but I do not know what those things might be.
I also came to see that there is no such thing as a “chemical imbalance” in the brain for some people. In fact, the toxic substances prescribed to some people introduces a chemical imbalance in the brain. This is why we should not be ph.µcking around with the brain until we actually understand all of it and all of its colossal effects/powers, before we start meddling and tinkering with a vast and enormously powerful organ, with multi-level complexities and unknown & unused capabilities.
Psychiatry was born out of this defective physical approach to mental health and so psychiatry is essentially unqualified people, fumbling around in the dark with powerful and little understood toxic substances.
I ended my own suffering when I came to see that I was not ill, I never was ill (apart from when I had some biological cause) and that these people who were telling me what was wrong with me were just giving me theories/opinions/ideologies/stories which they’ve been fed by their teachers/education.
All conditions that are of the mind only can be fixed by the sufferer. No-one needs anyone else to do that.