Oral facial granulmatosis

My 14 year old lad nathan was diagnosed with ofg two years ago. this disease can be related to chrones disease and i was wondering if any one as this condition as well. It relates to the mouth swelling of the lips and liesons in the mouth and swollen cheeks.we have had him on no preservetives colours or flavours and has really responded to the diet, but recently as been seeing the dentist to clean his teeth up and everything was well but the last time he went they did bit of work and upset him and cut his gum but then put some toothpaste on his gums, which he his only can have mcleans as its got nothing in it. since that day his lips keep coming up and down and his cheek is swollen on the side of the face where the dentist was working. as anyone noticed that if there chrones can get bad with stress, my son is autistic as well and with hormones raging seems to be getting stressed bit more and u can see his lips flaring up as u look at him. the docs say they have no report of stress contributing .
so the post is long got lots going on . janine


I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 10 years ago. This unfortunately is a disease that is not well known. It is assumed that yes stress can cause Ulcerative / Crohn's disease to flare up and cause swelling, bleeding, fisures. I do not know anything about oral facial granulmatosis but most UC / CD sufferers can get flare ups under control with diet, and drugs. The most common is Asacol, it's a slow release pill.

Not sure if that helps but if you have any other CD/UC questions let me know and i'll try to help.