
maybe i already know the answer to this one... but can a dr. hospitalize you 'just cause'.... like to force feed you if they think you are at risk? I made the mistake of admitting to my oncologist just how many calories I was taking in... and she automatically got up to call my PCP and talked about hospitlizing me with a feeding tube... (and I didn't even tell her the true amount of calories which is lower....)

So with all these other health issues and the constant nausea it's been hard to fight the ED and keep up with calories... and now with the threat of a feeding tube?!?!? Can they do that? Can I refuse that? I started shaking just as she mentioned it.... Has anyone had to deal with this? She told me to keep a food journal this week and see my PCP - but now I am afraid that if they talk they will put me back in the hospital. She plans on calling her again on Monday....and I have more tests and MRI's and lab work to be done this week... but the ED could be contributing to the autoimmue issue not getting better...

I feel trapped!

Just my opinion LA but finding help is difficult because even though you were truthful to some extent you were not totally honest like you are here!
I think you do know the answer to this one..Im not saying its easy...or If I were in the same situation how I would be.
I believe that Ed is contributing to the autoimmune disease and I think deep down you may also believe this too?
You are in very dangerous territory Ed is gaining some control and only YOU are the one that can stop it.
It is truly all about choices..again I am not saying its easy .
Always in my prayers and thinking of you!!
I just wanted to add if you continue this way ...the Drs may have that right to hospitalize you...they will most likely suggest it but you have the choice to accept the support given to you. I know these are thing you don't want to hear but I think others here would agree?

Love AG♥

If a doc feels that you are a danger to yourself, yes they can hospitalize you. I agree with AG, you have to take back control and not let the ed have it.

But I'm not necessarily a danger to myself....

I agree LA that your not necessarily a danger to yourself…but the situation you are in IS dangerous!
The professionals want to prevent you from falling deeper into all of this.
you do know all the dangers of an Ed alone but all the other health issues on top of the Ed could have you spiraling into some very dangerous territory and you don’t know how much your body can handle.

I understand, but speaking from a mental health professional stand point, if the doc feels that you are they can hospitalize you.

Now, I've worked in the MH world and have been in 'agreed upon' treatment for my ED.... But can they really force hospitilize me and put a feeding tube....

LA…you are a danger to yourself if you are not eating enough. But that can be assessed in different ways by different people. A court can commit you to get help, but unless that happens, I am not sure that anyone can force you to have a feeding tube. But if they recommend it, and you refuse, they can also refuse to treat you.
If it would help to have a tube for a short time, then please do whatever you need to do.
Thinking of you…Jan :heart:

Well if you've worked in the MH field you know that answer already and have gotten other answers here as well, so I'll leave it at that and bow out. :-)

Well, I don't know exactly how to take that... I honestly DON'T know what will happen...and I'm wondering legally what they can or can't force you to do... Geezz