
Hi my name is Cali, i am a fifth grader and i am doing a science fair project on the various reactions people have after Chemotherapy. These are the questions that i would appreciate you to answer:

1.Did your hair fall out yet?
2.Did you have major headaches?
3.Did you have an adversion to food?
4.Did you get very tired?

If you take the time to answer thee questions then can you put your age and the # of the question you answered next to the answer.

Thank You !! :)


although i havent had cancer my sister in law did and yes her hair fell out

wishing u well with your science project

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

Hi Cali,

Im 46 yrs and in my 6th month of remission (cancer free)
I had hodgkins lymphoma.

1- yes, all my hair fell out/ started to fall out by my
second chemo

2- i had a few headaches

3- when i had chemo food tasted like metal and water
tasted really bad for 7 days after chemo

4- yes, i was very tired would sleep most of the day for
three days after chemo

I hope my answers can help you. Good luck w ur project!

Hi Cali, I am 40 yrs old and I went through 6 rounds of chemo. So here are the answers to your questions.
1. My hair did fall out :(
2.Yes I had major headaches starting with the 2nd round
3. Yes I had a lot of adversions to food and still do
4. Yes I would sleep for 3 days straight after chemo.

Good luck on your project!

Please Comment!!!

HI Cali, i am 72 years old and i got diagnosed Breast cancer

1.Yes, my hair did fall out

2.No, i didnt have headaches

3.No, food tasted normal

4.No, i would be doing stuff around the house

Good Luck