1) this type of shooting leg pain doesn't occur with fibro, nor does the numbness and tingling in the feet.....I'm really starting to doubt my GP
2)The Pain Specialist kept asking me what is your GP doing to treat the fibro? I said nothing, we don't have a pain plan other than norco, which you've just told me is not the drug of choice for treating fibro pain. Yes, really doubting GP now...
3) My migraines stopped when I came off of Lyrica!!
i can't say about fibro but, your number one i have as part of my nerve damage/sciatica. plus burning. it was via an emg that i was diagnosed with my ail. lyrica did not work for me either. hopes this helps hun and that you can get to the bottom of what really is causing your pain.
hi, i have leg pain and numbness and tingling in my feet w/ Fm as well. My GP gave me Savella and after one month a lot of my pains have been greatly reduced. I'm hurting today because i felt better yesterday and did some housework-just a little, but major ouch now. I get 4 different kinds of pains. 1-achiness from head to toe. 2-burning,stabbing pains. 3-lightning bolt pain. 4-cramplike pain. I get it all and it moves around a lot. I have trouble sleeping because of pain, and restless arms/legs. When im awake im greatly fatigued. This is an awful thing to have. I hope Savella keeps working. But i still cant do much at all activity wise. I'm hurting and lonely and it is depressing too.
i know loads of of sufferers including myself who have chronic tingling in their feet .fom fibro . when your dr. diagnosed u did he ck. all 18 points which unfortunately is the only definitive test that i know of ? i was diagnosed over 20 yrs ago with myof ., fibro., rsd , scoliosis , secondary to multiple fractures , punctured lung and brain unjury all as a result of a near death car accident . i suppose initially i was kind of fortunate that my injuries from this accident were not invisible but i would never wish it or the nuerological and orthopedic diseases along with fibro etc.. on anyone .my fibro . mostly consists of tenderness at all 18 known points , exhaustion , deep tissue muscle cramps and muscle spasms and constant migraine headaches . i am constantly exhausted , have hypothyroidism and feel chronically depressed even with antidep . .i have absolutely no energy yet i can only sleep 3 hrs . at a time because i can never get comfortable due to pain. i have limited range of motion particularly in my neck . anxiety makes my symptoms skyrocket . one of the sufferers on this site said they wish doubters could only be in their bodies for one day . i think a moment would be sufficient i am totally immune to narc . drugs because that is the nature of patients with the nuerol. disease that i have . but for fibro . the drug that has helped me the most is tramodol .....p.s. the reason my typing style is so creative is that the fibro . in my hands is so bad that it is difficccccult to use the shift key .
I have:
the constant tingling in extremities and face
constant headache that NEVER goes away but changes in intensity and complexity throughout the day
restless legs and arms
general aching
deep muscle pain in various muscles - this includes but is not limited to stinging, burning, tenderness to the touch
occasional swelling of my feet and in my fingers(though I test negative for inflammation)
constant fatigue & insomnia