Really Tired

I am a Christian and I haven't had the best life. Things have happened to me that most probably couldn't handle. I tried to be happy throughout my life, but I keep going back to the thoughts of suicide. The only reason why I don't do it is because you can go to hell. So I have said prayers for God to take me so I can be at peace. Please ! Has anyone ever felt this way before ? are not alone. Here to chat, if you need..
I just came out of a three week treatment center that is christian based, and it was probably the best three weeks of my life. I gained alot of insight, and I think anyone and everyone would benefit from it.

I am a little anxious today, but that is why I am here...holding the thoughts captive.

Thank You miklin. I hear what you are saying. I have been with the Lord for 5 years now and at one point I was getting stronger, confident and happy. Then all of sudden I started going down, because all these circumstances just started happening to me back to back. I know you are suppose to use your faith by not looking at what is in front of you but it is hard for me to do that, I feel like I failed God by not having strong faith and failing the tests of trials and tribulations. To me the world is getting worse and it seems like there is no love in it anymore, I am tired and don’t want to live in a world like this anymore. It is a struggle for me to get out of bed right now, all I want to do is just be alone, waste away, and wait to go home to Jesus.

Dear Lady adore , I am a Christian too, have been through
alot too, I don't want to talk about me right now maybe later. You are a believer in forgiveness he forgives ,
forgive yourself and others in a prayer and let go of
your thoughts of unworthyness

I hear exactly what you are saying I was there too, about a month ago, before I went into the day program. I don't believe in suicide either, I figure if we feel like we are in hell now...I don't want to experience the real thing!!!
It is amazing how many people actually feel this way, I think our conscience knows that we were not meant for this kind of life.
Don't feel like a failure, that is the depression talking. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made, although it may not feel that way right now, just believe in the promise, even if you can't feel it right now.
Someone told me this past week, that if you feel you can't get out of bed..try...crawl if you have to, even if it is to the door of your bedroom, then maybe a little further, and further still. I know it sounds crazy, but I may actually try it next time, I feel I don't want to get up and face the day....
Blessings to you...
PS, Play a little contemporary music while you are there in bed!!!

well said miklin , I’ve had to crawl out of bed when I did not want to get up and just getting going is a start.
Another good saying is 99% of life is just showing up.