My DP has DLBCL -- stage IV at diagnosis back in August. After her third R-CHOP, her oxygen levels dropped to 82% on room air and she was hospitalized. A chest CT and later a PET scan showed either infection or inflammation in her lungs; pulmonary functions tests put her at 46% of expected oxygen diffusion. The docs were hoping it was an infection, and did a bronchoscopy ....... no bacterial, viral, or fungal infection noted. So they thing it is the rituxan, and have stopped it for the remainder of her treatment.
The last treatment was CHOP, and it went smoothly. Lung function has returned to normal. She has two more CHOP treatments scheduled, and two of methotrexate (they had added this b/c her lymphoma is aggressive, and they want to prevent CNS involvement). The methotrexate will now be given directly into her spine to avoid lung exposure.....
The good news is that the PET scan after three R-CHOPs showed no evidence of lymphoma. I am still worried about stopping the rituxan though! It seems like the "wonder drug"..... The docs feel like it will be fine (she got three doses and responded very very well) and it is critical to preserve her lungs (can't argue with that).
Anyone have this experience? And is it normal to have a clean PET scan halfway through chemo?
Thanks -