Saw my phycologist today and she seems to be helping me!

Saw my phycologist today and she seems to be helping me!

5 Hearts

Good for you! Sometimes all it takes is just one step, adn for you this may be that step. best of luck.

1 Heart

Thank you!(:

@Tayderz You’re welcome! How has your day been going?

yayyy, i am so glad that you can get help! I hope you are doing great!

My day has been alright... Still kind of struggling with worries and thoughts... Still no attraction towards guys which scares me but otherwise I'm ok. And thank you !!

@Tayderz There are things beyond our control, so don’t worry about them.

Hey can you share what she's been saying??

Sure I've only seen her twice so I don't have a lot to say... But she basically just told me that I do have OCD & that the thoughts DO NOT define you and that things will get better. It's going to take a long time but things do get better... That's all she's basically told me personally so far... Oh and she said you need to seperate your "worrying thoughts" and your "normal thoughts" from each other. As soon as you start worrying or obsessing you need to say stop.. & identify that you're worrying. Live in the moment. I'll tell you more next time I see her which won't be until Friday or Tuesday... Probably Tuesday.

2 Hearts

@Tayderz thank you this helped me!


Oh my goodness I was so happy to read this Tayderz! Thank you for sharing this with us! I think the message of "thoughts not defining you"... or "I am not my thoughts..." is pretty powerful. How have you been able to take these messages and the things you have been learning with you throughout your day helping you when you face a trigger?

1 Heart