yes i understand the idea that an ED is a security blanket --but i tis more of a killer in disoguise, if you can imagine someone who you think is your best freidn but ends up killing you in the end--an enemy...
once you let go of that security blanket--the difference is like--WOW and your inner peace becomes your security blanket or hell, you can buy a blanket and let that be youir won security blanket....ha....hey whatever works, you can decorate it and do whatever you want...
weight gain---yes i know it sucks, for me i did get over that fear. the importance of body fat is actually very very real. i got devestatingly ill over the past 3 weeks, and couldnt eat, not cuz i ddint want to cuz i am recovered but because my stomach couldnt take it. quite confusing for a person recovering from an ED, but...
anyway, my body had no way of getting in nutrients, so i had to rely on the weight i had...and it helped that i had some for if i did not have any, i would have been worse. and when your health becomes compromised , let me tell you --that is a much much more horrible fear than any weight. really--when your body deteriorates, and you become so ill you cannot move, unbearable pain, suddenly weight aint even an issue and you just want to live, you know? so, contrary to the horrible veiw of soceity which is FALSE--wieght is soo important to have. it acts as a form of protection to your body... like---ammunition...against invaders...
my body actually kept up its weight during this hard time, and didnt even spike that low. so it does protect itslef as i kept mutrtion up with enusres--yeah, hella scary on that one, but i did it---for me. cause i am sick of the pain....
iv e been in recoery for a year now, and it has been fantastic, oh yeah there are ED thoughts but i see a therapsit for that. she is great.
i really strongly suggest therapy or at least a school counselor... ED specialists are the best--or treatment.... or support groups...
hope you get help, being thin so doesnt equal happy---it can equal misery