Shan Larter

I'm just curious if any-one else is a fan of Shan's ? I love her approach to eating-disorders and what she has to say in her videos. I have watched almost all of her YouTube videos, but visited her web-site for the first time to-night and already have a new out-look on change...some-thing I struggle with constantly. If you're curious, check her out on YouTube or her web-site at

May-be you'll find some of what she has to say helpful or will gain some hope from her experiences. :o)

thanks for the link, sweetie!
never actually heard of her before but should be great getting some new ideas :-)

how have you been doing?

Never hesrd of her but will check out, thx!

I hope you guys will find her as helpful as I did. She has the same out-look on all of this that I do, so I suppose I relate to her quite a bit in that sense. :o)

Never heard of this before, thank you!