
i just slipped. i saw a picture and it gave me thoughts to purge and...i listened. i did the act. so now im stuck ...this is the first time in at least 4 months. Ive had alot of restricting problems latly..skipping meals ...simply because my stomach wasnt hungry. im also going through another move and a break up. i guess these problems are contributing to the disorder..which ive had at least for the past 9 yrs. ive never been treated...and i have no insurance now. i am on meds but they arent working well anymore..

im also struggling with marijuana use...allll day long im high.

StarburstsKissLight .....

Tomorrow is a new day. Just try to do better. However, do not beat yourself up if you relapse.

As for professional help: Many states and counties have programs, treatment facilities, professional groups, etc ... that help those who have financial restrictions.

A lot of them have a sliding scale fee system. Therefore, you should be able to get an appointment and get treatment for next to nothing or even free.

Also, have you considered attending any local support groups? You will most likely benefit from attending a meeting where you can physically be there.

you do need help, as LUv says--look into a sliding scale ---it worked for me, and if you find the right therapist, she will give you a good price.and tell the doc your meds arent working.

is this your first time slipping? i ve relapsed many times --to pull myself back up--you can always start over again--even if something did trigger you....
